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tv   Viewpoint  Current  January 30, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> cenk: tonight we have a whole other "the young turks" show online where jayar and others
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will yell at me even more about that last welfare story that we did. and the insane subsidy that the nfl is getting from us the taxpayers. you can check out individual clips and good luck. ♪ . "viewpoint" is next. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: wayne lapierre testifies before congress that making mentally unstable people submit to background checks before they can buy guns won't save lives because when it cops to lowering the bar this man has raised the bar. israel has and syria continues to massacre its own people. and egypt replaces the guy w who replaced the guy from to years ago and this is why we have to bomb iran. gym nabors is gay as he happily
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marries his long-time partner. no surprise, no surprise, no surprise. today is the bird of president roosevelt gene hackman and dick cheney. and 43 years ago the beatles gave their last performance. which is too bad. if they had lip-synced they might have been invited to do the super bowl. this is "viewpoint." [ ♪ music ♪ ] whether or not good evening, i'm john fugelsang. thank you so much for joining us. coming up, chaos in the middle east and a mysterious israeli airstrike. the hits one mom is taking for daring to write her kids without god. and gomer pyle is now gomer pyle
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lgbt. but first gun laws are being discussed behind closed doors in the senate. the senate judiciary committee did at least choose to be seen today discussing gun control. the most powerful statement on that issue came right at the start. former arizona congresswoman gabby giffords was greeted warmly by the senators and their staff as she came with her astronaut husband. this is what she said. >> speaking is difficult but i need to say something important. violence is a big problem. too many children are dying. too many children. we must do something.
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it will be hard, but the time is now. you must act. be bold, be courageous. americans are counting on you. >> john: the tucson shooting where gabby giffords was shot in the head did not lead to gun control hearings, the massacre shooting in connecticut did. senator grassley does not want that tragedy to risk any new gun laws. >> the deaths in new town should not be used to put forward every gun control measure that has been used for 20 years. >> john: because the last thing you want the government to do is to pass laws to keep it from happening again. instead, grassley wants to focus
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on mental health, mass killer video games, and decline of civility in american life in an effort to combat gun violence. that would be fine with another star witness nra president wayne lapierre. mandatory background checks would be fine with him. patrick leahy of vermont ran that by him again. >> should we have mandatory checks at gun shows. >> if you're a dealer, that's already the law. >> that's not my question, please mr. la pierre i'm not trying to play games but if you could just answer my question. >> senator, i do not believe the way the law is working now unfortunately, that it does any good to extend the law to private sales between hobbiests and collectors. >> john: never mind the fact that they're all hobbyists and collectors until one of them
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shoots a lot of people. but what about sales where they don't care who buys their guns and certifiable deranged killers. could background checks work there? >> my wife would not be sitting in this seat, she would not be sitting here today if we had stronger background checks. >> john: that might have been true for another more recent gun violence victim. she marched as a majorette in the president's inaugural parade parade. senator dick durban described what happened to her by a man with hands on a gun. >> a gunman came in and shot her dead. just a matter of days after the happiest tape of her day of her life, she's gone. we have guns everywhere, and some believe the solution to this is more guns. i disagree. >> john: for more, i'm joined by gun advocate stephen barton, and
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a survivor of the aurora, colorado, theater massacre who attended today's senate's hearing on gun violence. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> john: what was the mood in the hearing room today? >> you know, it was largely positive when it came to the side in you favor of gun violence prevention and in favor of new laws. the room was really packed with people supporting gabby captain kelly chief johnson of the baltimore police department, all of these advocates that have been speaking out powerfully in favor of gun laws. the crowd was vocally supportive of them. >> john: and gabby giffords was a surprise, correct? >> yes, i didn't know she was coming until the last moment. it was inspiring frankly just to be in her presence, and to see what a voice she still has on this issue. >> john: her words are very powerful. do you think that she might have
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moved some of the senators to possibly be more open-minded in their views of gun control? >> i think so. if nothing else she really set the tone for the hearing by reminding everyone in the view, and on the panel just what the cost is of our country's broken gun laws. she was standing right in front of them as a former colleague to show them what can happen when a gun can fall in the wrong hands and we're not doing the best job of preventing that from happening. >> john: i'm sure the mood shifted a bit when wayne lapierre started thinking. senator leahy held his feet to the fire on gun laws hadn't did it feel like wayne lapierre was unpopular? >> oh, absolutely. senator leahy did an excellent
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job. we need to strengthen the gun background check. >> john: what sort of work are you doing with mayors against illegal guns to persuade our legislators in washington to move on this issue? >> other than advocateing directly, and by telling my own story from my wounding in aurora and just my own experience, having grown up right next to newtown knowing people who work in that school and having some of the families who lost loved ones. i'm trying to bring a face to gun violence. too often it's very easy for elected representatives to just ignore it. but in addition to that, working with other survivors and helping with research and media and the like. >> john: well, i was wondering if anyone was going to blame fake violence for real violence,
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and sure enough, senator grassley wants to blame video game and poor mental health for gun violence. do you think someone ought to tell him that australia japan and europe have violence video games and mental illness and incivility without gun violence? >> it's just another effort to deflect the conversation from what is the root of the matter. and it's the gun. without the gun you don't have this level of violence. you don't have the ease of killing. sure we should look at many different issues, mental health, school safety, but the bottom line is that we do a horrible job in this country of taking care of keeping guns out of the hands of the wrong people. >> john: gun control advocate with mayors against illegal guns and gun violence severe stephen batterren. thankbatter--barton. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> john: i'm joined by joe
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williams and rob wilcox, and former spokes spokesman for the brady campaign gentlemen, thank thank you for being here. >> thank you for having us. >> john: of course. joe, do you feel these congressmen and senators have already made up their minds on this? will anything come out of this? >> it was political theater but political theater of the best sort. certainly the dramatic testimony of gabrielle giffords. you would have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by that. i think it was of it was theater, but you heard your guest talking about wayne lapierre squirming, and people in the audience applauded when dick durbin held wayne lapierre's feet to the fire on a couple of issues. with that you have an active demonstration that the public is with pro gun control legislation, and that, i think alone could move the needle a little bit. >> john: it seems unthinking
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that these senators are unaware what the mood in this country is on this issue. gabby gifford probably would have brought tears to a stone however, wayne lapierre appears to have a heart harder than stone. as someone who lost a loved one to gun violence, what did you think of her. >> that was the message coming out, and every day we see 30 people, 30 americans die from gun violence. every year it's 30,000. in the 33 years i've been alive it's probably been over a million, and still the answer is to do nothing. what we heard in congress was the same tried and true excuses being brought out. these laws are not effective. we should prosecute the laws on the books. it's the video video game's fault.
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someone else's fault. now what the senators have to realize is that now is the time to act. now is the time of vote. the president has laid out an ambitious agenda that is filled with common sense reform that will make a difference in preventing these types of tragedies. >> cenk: it seems those who talk about patriotism the most are least willing to act to save american lives. do you think they have to be touched personally before they are moved and care about it? >> i think the number of americans who are not touched by gun violence is greatly diminishing. what newtown did was brought to the forefront for everyone who has been touched or who hasn't the real decision that it could happen to you. the fear of a tyrannical government that doesn't exist rather than working to prevent a single incident of gun violence.
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>> john: senator leahy is talking about straw purchases where someone can guy a gun for someone who can't by one on their own. and then of course of course the assault weapons ban. could even of these pass the senate, and if they did could they pass the house? >> it seems that the most likely piece of legislation to pass would, in fact be an universal background check to close the gun show loophole. we have to show our identification if we buy sudafed at the drugstore. that's a common sense reform that should be enacted. there is a lot of public support for it. there is a lot of support even within the nra for this kind of legislation. whether or not we'll get a ban on high capacity clips or large large-scale assault weapons that's more of a further aspect than what we've got now. it seems that that is highly
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unlikely. especially when you get the house, which is so disjointed, and so arch conservative, you have a split not only of conservative republicans but also conservative democrats from rural districts where there is a very strong gun culture. it will be very difficult to get some universal reform out of the house and senate at the same time, but i think that's where executive power comes in. >> john: joe, do you get the impression that harry reid would like the assault weapons ban to just go away? >> he would but it's not going to go away. that's one of the things that i think people need to understand, and what the hearings brought to the fore is that they live in an alternative universe where more guns are the answer. where the good guy can take out the bad guy with the gun bar no circumstances. the men are good looking and women are above average whatever. that kind of alternative reality has been exposed through wayne lapierre and some of the other
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advocacy organizations that want more guns, and less gun control even though evidence universally indicates that gun control brings these kind of tragedies down and the public wants it. >> john: in fairness the majority of nra members support sensible gun control measures and support gun safety in this country. the nra leadership, of course does not speak for them. rob, owe only have a few minutes left. which of those bills stopping straw purchases assault weapon bans or background checks. >> i think it has to be the universal background check law. i think that for three reasons. one, we've already seen 2 million prohibitive purchasers criminals the mentally ill from getting a gun through the background checks program. that's 60% of sales in this country. we know there are 40% of sales that go on when there is no background check.
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it is inexcusable that we're not having the same type of check for those sales as we're having at a gun store. truthfully it's not that difficult, and i think that the bill that we introduced in congress is a common sense solution. >> john: joe, really quick what is next on the hill? are there going to be more hearings or should we expect one of those bills to come up over the next few months? >> there will be more hearings. senator dianne feinstein will tempt to push this issue every further, and there will be more pressure by the white house as well as pressure by reporting. during the hearing normas shooting occurred. that will keep the most pressure on the nra and keep them playing defense roar than rather than offense on this issue. >> john: many thanks to both of you for your time tonight. >> my pleasure j. >> cenk: f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ ♪ >> john: welcome back to "viewpoint." i'm john fugelsang. it's time now for the thing of the day. and tonight's thing is the photo of the day. as we showed earlier. gabby giffords presented a few stirring words before the senate judiciary committee. her testimony was simple and heartfelt, and seen here is a photo of her handwritten ♪ for this speech. towards the end of her comments giffords said be bold, be courageous. she showed that, and she's the personification of both of these ideals.
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according to the u.s.-arab league envoy to syria the crisis in the country has reached unprecedented levels of horror. this as yesterday the bodies of 70 men were found in the city of aleppo, as seen here in the graphic image displayed by a numerous media outlets. the men's hands were bound behind their backs and they were killed with a single bullet each chen dumped in a river. israel's concern with syria diving deeper into chaos the same could be said for the most populous country in the region egypt. president mohammed morsi rejected any calls for a new unity government. a new wave of violence erupted in that country last week between islamists and secular forces over death sentences
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handed out to 21 soccer fans involved in a deadly melee last year. with me is james jeffrey. ambassador what a pleasure it is to have you here tonight. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, john, happy to be here. >> john: thank you. one of syria's top political opposition advisers are there any hopes that this could be a solution no, sir i can't. >> agreed to by us, the russians that would lead to talks between the opposition and the government. but frankly there is very little to talk about. this is a civil war at this point, and neither side is willing to yield souths sides think they can win. while this is a step forward i don't think it will move to any
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insight to ending the violence. >> john: any reconciliation is contingent on him punishing whoever he wants. >> absolutely. he will not let go the reigns of power. he's supported by iran and to some degree russia. this will go on and on until in my view mr. assad topples. the stability of the middle east is in play here. the sooner we can get a handle on this, and by we i mean the united states, the better. >> john: sir, what is the nature of assad's relationship with hezbollah. does this attack from israel mark anything but a warning? >> he has been one of the major supporters of hezbollah since the 1990s. without doubt iran is one of the biggest supporters of his. but assad has been the middle manman to furnish with money weapons and political support and hezbollah has been his ally
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in dominateing lebanon. there is no doubt that despite resolution 1701 arms are continuing to move illegally from syria into lebanon to arm hezbollah. >> john: is there anything more the u.s. administration should be doing and more importantly how is russia's involvement influencing our own? >> i don't think russia's involvement is influencing us that much other than to block u.n. resolution. asia isrussia is not going to commitment troops or any real national power. all they do is block u.n. action. but they have in the past acted without a security councilman date. we need to act again. this is not about boots on the ground another iraq, vietnam or afghanistan. this is about giving weapons to people who we halfway think will support a reasonable outcome. this is pushing the assad regime to collapse now rather than a year from now which will result
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with the country being overrun from jihadists from the middle east. >> john: do you think others in the administration share your view that we need to act on this now? >> well of course i'm not in the administration any more. i think that frankly the people who are advising the president are split but so far the president said so far we're going to stay out of this. >> john: moving over to egypt. morsi has rejected any unity government. how should he be handling a situation like this. >> again, what he should do is reach out to try to curb the violence. we've seen this in many countries. there are leaders who take courageous steps. they stand on the security forces while reaching out to come to some preliminary cease-fire. we had to do this in the 1960s when our cities were on fire, while not yielding doing something to curb the violence. egypt will very rapidly stop
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amendmenting down as an organized society. >> john: clearly egypt's number one economy is tourism. >> the problem that we have you are is our influence is limited in a situation like this. there isn't all that that we can do. nonetheless, the international community led by the united states provides an extraordinary amount of financial and support of egypt. we need to urge both sides to sit down and stop this violence which is tearing the country apart. this is america's job. this is what we've been doing since the end of world war ii. we need to do it far more actively in the middle east. this is one big problem that manifested itself be it in is syria or egypt and it's only
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going to get worse. >> john: thank you for joining us this evening. these stories are not going away, we hope you'll join us again. >> thank you. >> john: jim nabors has
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>> john: warm congratulations to singer actor jim nabors. the star of the andy griffith show and gomer pyle just married his long time partner of 38 years in seattle. jim is 82, but we still wish him a long and happy life. i don't think same-sex marriage was legal in mayberry, but i doubt that they ever would have arrested gomer because the town drunk was always sleeping one off in the town's only jail cell. now they're bound to be conservative freakouts about the nabors nuptials even by my family down south and there are reports that branson missouri,
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has gone into total lockdown, but no tv show has expressed hometown values more than the andy griffith show. jim nabors' relationship is a stable monogamous relationship that happens to be gay. if we can get this marriage equality out of the way maybe we can address more pressing problems in society like organizing that intervention for otis. ♪ and dream ♪ the unreachable star very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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>>liberal and proud of it.
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>> john: tonight we're going to start featuring some of your tweets on the show, and we'rere going to begin with ricardo lozano. he said. nra says background checks do no good because criminals won't stand for them. using that logic eliminate all laws right? >> exactly ricardo. people are murdering other people why is murder still illegal, and haven't all the bad guys with cocaine ruined it for all the good guys can cocaine. thanks for the logic wayne lapierre now speaking of online madness, deborah mitchell has written the most viewed post of all time on cnn's i report and also one of the most vilified. it's called why i raise my
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children without god. it's reasons why she doesn't teach her sons religious views. she said humans should treat each other decently without the fear of hell fire. cnn actuallily had to take the essay under review. and some people kept flagging it, and flagging it until cnn had literally tell them to stop. deborah mitchell joins us from texas. thank you for joining us on the show. >> thankthank you for having me. >> john: i've red your blogs before. did you think this one would be so controversial? >> no, i didn't. i was surprised there were so many commenters, and page views. >> john: did anything surprise you in the reaction. reaction to people who reacted negatively? >> i was a little disappointed in how mean people were, not
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just to me, but to each other. i expected them to attack me, but i didn't expect the sustain sustained anger and attacks on each other. that surprised me, that and the flagging of the article. >> john: if that upset i hope you never read the comment section on daily beast. in favorness you did get a lot of support from cnn viewers, did you not? >> i did get a lot of support. people contacted me on my blog, my profile there were many comments, many were arguing back and forth but i did get a lot of support. and i got support from religious people as well who say i think what you're saying is good. you know i think you have a right to say it, and i support you in saying it even though i might not agree with you. >> john: there are many religious people and christian people who take strong issue about how god is depicted in the old testament. your family is catholic.
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i'm dying to know what was their reaction. >> my mom, i thought i would give her a heads up before i wrote the article. i told her about it. i didn't want her to be surprised and be find out by someone else. my mom was extremely supportive. she agreed with the points the article said, and felt that church in some instances has driven people away and there are some things that the church cannot answer. she was disheartened by some of the comments. i told her not to worry about those. i don't take those personally. >> john: your mom is right. some of the finest people i've known have been catholic but the vatican is an atheist factory. you ran into a different problem with the boy scouts and your younger son. >> yes, my son joined the boy scouts and earned a couple of badges made some frequents friends. then we were told we had to do a
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religious badge. i was a little hesitant, and i told them that we don't really go to church. they said to me, well, it doesn't matter, as long as you believe in god. it can be any god. you can pick from many of the religions. i said we were agnostic. we don't believe in god. he said that we have to believe in god to be in the boy scout. i told my son he was welcome to try out a church and experiment with different religions, but at the time he wasn't willing to try that. if in the future he decides he wants to attend church and dedicate himself to a specific religion that will be his choice. >> john: i want to say i'm surprised at an organization that is so patriotic has no understanding of the constitution. jesus never said anything against gay people either. i should not be surprised. what would you do? would you support him if he came home one day and said i'm a
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believer. >> absolutely. i've raised him to be kind and use the same morals as christians. if he came home and said i want to be baptist buddhist, it wouldn't matter to me. i know he has thought it out it wouldn't matter to me either way. >> john: there are believers who don't follow an organized religion. they believe in the bible and jesus and some kind of intelligence, some kind of source behind all of this. do you have friends of faith? >> yes, i do. i have a lot of friends who are actually catholic. you know friends from all different faiths. some of my friends don't know my views. some of my friends actually do know my views. but for the most part i'm friends with people from all different religions j you're a model of civility, and i hope some of the people who smeared you will learn from you tonight. her blog is called "kids without christian. that's on word press. and thank you for coming on the
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show. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it. >> john: absolutely. the latest drug scandal sweeping the sports world. i have three words for you my friends. deer antler spray. that's ahead. but first let's hear from say anything with joy joy behar. >> joy: here is a sneak peak. >> what about bethany franco. what about that? >> the argument looks great. they both worked on it really hard. and listen you want my opinion i'm hoping everything is going to work out. i would love to hear something--when i first heard the news i was saying to everyone no, it's not true. can't be true. and then eventually it came out that they were slitting splitting up. >> joy: why can't it be true. >> when a couple is doing a renovation and they both put a lot of time into it. and you look at the little girl,
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beautiful. you sit there and say-- >> joy: sad. >> joy: plus whitney houston agency mother, cissy has a new memoir about her troubled daughter. i'll sit down with the wildly talented mary mary. all that and more
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>> john: i have sad news to report. my fellow americans. there might be treating in professional sports. just weeks after the shocking admission that lance armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs ending him the willie have a nilly of american bicycling. several prominent baseball players including yankees third baseman and madonna's sex toy alex rodriguez fled to a florida medical clinic which allegedly provided them with banned substances. and if that wasn't enough to make you loss your faith in
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sports, sports i will plus straighted report hitting new constants monday claims that baltimore ravens linebacker and law abideing citizen ray lewis may have used a banned substance to quickly recover from a tricep triceps tear. that substance? deer antler spray. it speeds muscle growth. the extract is used by spraying it under your tongue three times a day. just like mom used to make. both lewis and rodriguez deny the charge against them. with me jeff kreisler, and jessica kirson, and frank conniff. was lewis huffing donor and blitzen? >> i've been using antler spray
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for my muscle mass. i don't think it's big deal that he's using that. it doesn't seem like he's on antler spray but crack. he has major energy. >> why is there antler spray? are deer insecure with their size. >> john: why not. you have spray for football. you have rhino horn for sex. and if they could use that. >> john: i don't think it's that huge of a scandal i'll get to that to in a moment, but could people hate alex rodriguez more than they already do. he already admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs from 2001 to 2003. does he have any credibility left? >> why does he need credibility. he has millions of dollars. cheaters, they're not like us.
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they don't need to be liked. the rest of us need to be liked. that's why we're on facebook. >> i'm a cheater and i like to be liked. >> you get enough money you can buy whatever you need. >> yeah, i agree with you. i really--i mean, everything he does is just repulsive now. i'm not surprised he did that. >> john: dating madonna was a tipping point for some of us, of course. but let me talk about ray lewis and the deer antler spray. he wasn't doing it to cheat. he was doing it to recover faster. >> that's what barry bonds did. >> john: but he was doing it during the season. while he was going on the field. >> that would allow him to keep playing. barry bonds, i saw him when he was a skinny guy. what the drugs allowed him to do was stay on the field. >> you're saying his antlers caused him a lot of pain s that what happened? i don't follow sports. >> i tell people when they grew out he would hit home runs. >> john: what if he took aspirin during the offseason. >> that's the thing why are we
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complaining about performance-enhancing drugs and we have it every day. coffee nicotine, alcohol ambien when we can't sleep. >> wow, you need help. >> i need a contract from the yankees. >> i took pundit enhancing drugs when i came here. >> you might have gotten a placebo. >> john: super bowl coming up this sunday. a new poll finds 27% of americans feel that god plays a role in determining the outcome in sporting events. why does jesus hate the cubs? doesn't god have better things to do? >> no. this is a message. the super bowl is the biggest sporting event. what message is that drunkenness, homosexuality and the wire. the right wingers can see what message god really wants to promote. >> didn't it blasphemous.
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>> the only sport i know god was involved with was the chariot race and "ben hur." >> i feel if tim tebow wants to be consistent he'll give god the finger when he losses. >> people are saying because they believe in god or they're good people, they're religious they're going to win the super bowl that the team will do really well, an athlete. whatever is supposed to happen will happen. >> god is not watching the games, either. he knows what is going to happen. it couldn't be more boring to god. >> john: that's right. god is talking to his bookie. >> he's the person who tapes the game and says don't tell me what happens. >> the super bowl sometimes has weird endings because god is watching the ads. >> cenk: so god cares more about your team than my grandma? i don't understand. president obama is catching up. his approval ratingest it's been
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in three years. why is he so popular right now but it's impossible for him to get anything done through congress. >> because he's popular with the people and it doesn't play a part in what happens in congress in most cases. a lot of things that people would like to get through congress are very popular. congress doesn't care about that. they're helping the lobbyists and a lot of them have been gerrymandered into their positions. >> john: that's very true. >> he's a very likable man. he is a good person. i think people are realizing that more and more. he has all the right intentions. there is not much that he can do. that's the scary part. >> that's the reason why people realize he's a good man and why he doesn't get anything done, one word, the republicans. the mirror being held up are the mourdocks and aikening, and they're terrible people. at the same time they're the ones who won't let anything
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through. >> john: seeing harry reid kill filibuster reform. he broke a lot of promises to a lot of people over a long period of time. doesn't that lend credence to the theory that it's just a good cop and bad cop. >> absolutely. there is an interest of all politicians to have nothing happen but i will say if there is a moment of element of sincerity in obama it's blocked and they won't allow him to move forward. that tends to be the republicans. >> john: because they're cheating. no one can hold a handle to the cheaters on wall street. now they're demanding an explanation from the justice department why wall street executives who happen to be crooks have not been held accountable for destroying the economy a few years back. do we need to see executives jailed, and where is obama on this? >> it would be great to see executives jailed or publicly
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hanged but it's never going to happen. if they were to go through congress, they own congressmen. if they were going to go to a court, they can afford the best judges and lawyers. >> it's all about money. they have too much money. there's not much that anyone could do. but i would love to see them get what they deserve. >> all we have is the vote. >> if you compare them to cheat necessary football, it's like the way wall street people play, it's like the football was passed around the field and it never went anywhere, and the austin never got satisfaction from a touchdown or goal. they just move paper around, and enrich themselves, and the country is supposed to feel the benefits of that wealth and they hasn't. >> john: i have to take issue with that. the panel will stay with me after the break. when we talk about bringing guns to church for self defense, of course. and the way things are going these days you never know when jesus
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> cenk: i'm back here now with my panel of none experts and i have one quick question for all y'all. where is the one place you should not deal out to bring a gun. >> you should not be allowed to bring a gun to a knife fight. >> john: sean connery would agree. >> that's funny. i have to say something funny area. this is a lot of pressure. you really shouldn't be able to bring a gun to a weight watcher's meeting.
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i did it, and it's not fun. >> delicious. >> john: frank? >> i say don't bring a gun to pinkberry. it ruins the enchancement of the experience. >> john: but if the line is long long. that question brings me to tonight's f bomb. the arkansas senate voted to allow guns in churches. if anyone deserves the right to protect themselves, it's altar boys. but then i was told that this law would allow anyone to bring a concealed handgun into a place of worship. i will fight for people of faith to prove to the rest of us that they don't actually have any faith. for yea, i will fear no evil, my glock and my dwindling testosterone will shelter me. unrestrained non-violence, this ruling in arkansas is a victory
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for everyone who thinks jesus saying turning the other check is metaphor but the talking snake is real. to bless our enemies and those who hurt us, they let this long violent long-haired hippy running of thing. jesus was the the prince of peace not the prince of packing a piece. why would they ever want to go to church. think about it. jesus said help the poor. pay your taxes. be nice to people in prince. he hung out with lepers, hookers and crooks. he never said anything about abortion or gay people and was against the death penalty. when you reject jesus' message is like going to a woo tanning concert because


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